Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I post alot about N and E together. They are so cute. I am amazed daily at how they have embraced each other as siblings.

While we were in process we talked about E, and his being N's brother that we would go get from Ethiopia. I think some where in his mind he thinks they are biological. Sometimes when E will say something in Amharic, N will say that their Oopia mom used to say that to them. And we sort of just let it go because he doesn't seem to grasp the difference, and right now that's not such a big issue. They love each other. They play together, they fight over toys, they read books together, they love Go Diego! and sausage and pasta, they chase each other around the house incessantly.

This morning I had to come in to work for a few hours, and this made E VERY unhappy as he had to stay home, which made N unhappy because he was also leaving to go to school. He didn't like seeing his brother crying and so upset. Soon they will be in class together, and I believe this will strengthen their bond.

N is a protector, he has always been the champion of the girls. If he sees a girl/woman in need he will be right there to come to their rescue. And I see him doing the same for E now. He tries to help when we have to take care of E's healing belly. He's the first to get a towel, and help with washing hands. He's right there to tattle when E does something wrong, and the first to try to explain when he thinks he knows when something is bother ing E.
He's my hero. ;o) It's a blessing.

N has had a hard time with the loss of individual attention... which we have tried hard to ease, but not because he dislikes his brother, he just wants mommy and daddy's attention more. ;o)

I look forward to seeing them grow together. To see how they continue to bond and love, to see how they fight with each other and for each other.

I love being a mom!


Andrea Hill said...

I too look forward to see them grow up together. I love how you described N today. What a special kid he is.

Matthew and Amanda said...

I pray your sons have lifelong friends in each other. It sounds like they are well on their way!


Aaron said...

It's as if you stole the post right out of my mind! Our boys are amazing together. While there's an age difference, we too have been blessed by C-'s nurturing nature over his little brother.