Friday, October 3, 2008

Another week

So the week progressed into being a fairly good week.  

Little E is still asserting his independence, and he's still not grasped the word  I tell you this kid has one stubborn streak.  And again I am so thankful for the way that it has helped him survive all that he has had to  But it's hard when you are trying to assert parental authority.  The pretty cool thing is that he very much fits into the family.

Thursday we went to dermatology for some things that have been bothering me for a while, that his other specialists haven't really pursued.  Well it turns out I had reason to be worried. The derm doc called the other specialist who then said they thought they wanted to admit him for IV antibiotics because of infected areas.  I can tell you that I would have fought that one if I had had to... because some of the issues have been there and I have spoken about every daggon week since we have been home, and all of a sudden they want to admit him???  ok so the truth is that I would have admitted him of course if I had had to, but I sure would have made it known how unhappy I was about it.

As it turns out he is on oral medication that he is TAKING!  It's another victory, he's taking these meds by mouth as well.  YAY!!!

I am so over this issue of not having someone see the bigger picture of things, of having to reassert myself every time they "find" something new.  That really isn't new, they just haven't been paying attention to my telling them that it's there.

I have to digress a bit to E's stubborn streak.  Because he has a sweet streak about the same strength.  He's huge on making sure that if he gets something that N and S do too.  We were at a garden center this week and he got a tiny pumpkin.  He insisted on getting one for N and S.  He held on to them all the whole time we were there.  He and N have such a great time together, most of the time.  They have some pretty typical sibling things, but they really have fun wrestling and laughing and playing.  Such a great feeling.

N has really taken to having a brother more as well.  So much so that he keeps telling us that he needs more brothers and  There is a lady at his daycare that insists that we need a girl.  At this point we believe we are done.  But perhaps God has other plans someday.  One never knows.  WE aren't pursuing it, but we weren't the first time either. ;o)

Z also loves being the BIG brother. He's 6'3" and pretty imposing.  Tonight we all walked up to 7-11 for slurpees.  All 6 of us.  N on Z's shoulders, and E on Daddy's shoulders, with S and I arm in arm.  You should have seen the looks we received, and all I could think was... thank you God! Thank you for my family, thank you for blessing me so!  Thank you that you have given us Z and S that have embraced their new siblings, without fear or concern for the looks that we receive or the comments made. Thank you that we are able to share our love with these 2 boys they are gifts, on both good days and bad.  Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

That really good to hear N is enjoying his new brother. I am sure it must be hard at times since he was the baby for over a year. So glad E didn't have to go to the hospital again.
I can just picture all of you going into 7/11