Friday, September 4, 2009

Faithful Friday

YAY Friday!

Well we made it through all the open houses and all the kids are excited! ;o)

Daddy is on his way home. YAY!

All of the open houses went well. I already told you about E's. He is still excited and as predicted he hasn't been able to keep up with the waking, eating, sleeping sequences to figure out when we start. ;o) But we are sure making good use of the calendar on the wall! ;o) Excellent teaching opportunity.

Going with S to the open house at my high school alma mater was rather strange. I haven't been there in the 20 yrs since I graduated. I remembered it all. Crazy how old smells and sites can bring back so many memories huh? I think she will do great. She is very excited about going there with all her friends and the new ones she will be making.

N was beside himself with excitement when I got home from work to take him to his open house. ;o) He wanted to look at everything in the classroom, but was very good to sit in his seat while the teacher spoke and he looked around. ;o) I really like what we have seen so far, and this is a teacher that has been there for 13 yrs. She knows what she is doing. ;o) She was the teacher that did his pre-testing to see if he needed extra help and seemed to be very taken with him. He flashed her his dimples and she was smitten.

I really do think this is going to be so great for both boys to have their own space, own schools and friends. They will have each other when they get home, but some apart time will be great.

I do have to say that N has really become such a great big brother. He's very bossy (he's a first child, I know how he feels), but just last night I observed him helping E with something. It was so calm and nurturing and sweet. I just scooped him up planted a big ole smooch on him and told him what a great big brother he is.

I can't wait to see how they both do!

Exercise update:
Got my new running shoes (Thank you mom and Boo). I have only had 1 chance to use them and can see it's going to be an adjustment. I am an over pronator. That means I roll to the inside when I run. So my new shoes have good inner support and arch support. It's definitely a difference. We will see how they do.

I haven't gotten on the scale again this week...water weight...yuck!

I did take some pictures of my progress. I will not be posting them here for the world to see but I can already see a big difference! YAY!!!

I did mail my registration for the 10k!!

I am so excited to actually get that done.

I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed long weekend!

1 comment:

LisaShaw said...

So glad the children are getting adjusted. I pray a wonderful year for them.

Way to go on the sneakers, running and registration for the 10K. Photos posted?? (smile). As one who has let it all hang out online SOLELY as the LORD leads me to I guess I'll have to be quiet on that one (smile).

As for water weight - YUCK is right. Flush with water and be sure to urinate often. If you're flushing with water then you should use the bathroom. You'd be surprised how it flushes out the water weight. Also careful of your sodium intake.

If you're like me then if you eat something with a bit more sodium in it then you should have then you probably bloat like a blow fish well at least I do (smile).

Just stopped by to love on you. Love to the family.