Sunday, December 6, 2009

Give Me Your Eyes

Yesterday we heard the song "Give me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath at least twice. I think it makes for a pretty interesting and appropriate Christmas song.

We heard it once while in the van on KLove and then again later on our TV music Channel.

The first time N said "This is my favorite song".

This is news to me because I didn't think he knew it. ;o) Then it came on as dinner was ending so N got up and choreographed some slick moves to it. He's got talent!

As I sat at the table watching him I began to think about all that the song entails.

It's a song about having your eyes opened to the things God would have us see. I have prayed that prayer myself. It sure comes with a high price. I don't mean that in a negative way at all. I just mean that once your eyes are truly opened you begin to see life so differently.

What I love though is that God opens our eyes to the things that He knows we will respond to. It's why there are so many organizations and charities out there. It allows for us to find our own passions and live those passions, and make a difference.

There are people passionate about animals, plants, trees, clean air, HIV/AIDS, abortion, adoption, homelessness, clean water.... the earth in general.

All God asks is that we open our eyes to see the world around us.

We had our eyes opened to the Ethiopian people... then showed us that we have people right here in our back yard that also need love and care. He's shown us that the world is so very vast...yet so very small.

This Christmas as we get all caught up in all things Christmas... let's open our eyes to the one that loved us so much that He gave His only Son to us. What a gift. What a joy.

What an eye opener... how has He opened your eyes?


"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Love that song too! We did a skit to it this past summer for campers...and it was really effective. GREAT for all year round time....makes us truly think!

Adeye said...

One of my absolute favorite songs too. Makes me THINK every time I hear it.

Abbey said...

Oh my goodness! The Savior is constantly having to open my eyes! Unfortunately sometimes He has to throw water on me too to get me to wake up. Mostly he is opening my eyes to the goodness that surrounds me and constantly reminding me that not all people feel of His love so easily and that I need to help spread that love.