Thursday, July 9, 2009

Self Discovery

Woo wee God has been talkin' to me this week! ;o)

Most of it good. Some of it painful... and that's mostly because it's been one of those weeks when I am reminded of some things that need to change with in me.

I have realized that there are changes that need to be made. Mostly interior.

I was reading Amy Jo's post here. (I recommend her site highly, she's got some really great insight!!) This particular post was about Pride and Judgement. One of the things she said was that she had "Pride and Judgement whispering in each ear"... oh how often does that happen to me? I immediately recognized that when they are whispering in each ear I am certainly not listening to God. I have always thought that I tried to see the best in people, to give them the benefit of the doubt, because you just never know another's circumstances, but I was struck by what God was telling me when I read the post. I found that at home I am not nearly as forgiving as I am of others. Ouch!

Recently I was lamenting over my hubby's short comings and issues. I know...not so nice. ;o( But as I was thinking about them and getting all self righteous, I realized I was in no position to have Pride and Judgement whispering in my ears. You know.. get the plank out of my own eye before I try to remove his speck?

My friend Cindy shared this with me earlier this week. It's an exerpt from a radio show done on Series: Love and Respect: An Interview with Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Hmmm... more ouch.

I have been learning that there is more than physical exercising that I need to commit to. I also need to commit to spiritual exercising.

Isaiah 40:31 says But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength....

Strengthening my physical core will make me stand up straighter, provide waist management, and help my clothes to fit better.

Strengthening my spiritual core will also make me stand up straighter, provide waste management and put my spiritual armor back into place.

When I am focused on God and His word, on His love and grace, I don't give room for Pride and Judgement.

lol... I am getting more oxygen to my brain while exercising... could be why I am thinking more?


Thankfulmom said...

Such good thoughts - thank you for sharing them and giving me things to ponder.

Unknown said...

So much to think about, and remember. Thank you!

Tiffany said...

Man oh man, our lives are like mirror images this week. I needed this. Thank you!!

LisaShaw said...

Amen and amen Andrea.

Spiritual and physical exercise is key.

Beautiful message of reminder and encouragement to all of us...

Love you.