I think I need to find a new post title for Friday's ;o)
I am just always to so happy for Friday because I am excited to be home with the family during the weekend.
S and I have been keeping up with working out. We tried a different cardio routine that kicked our butts! We were so sweaty and pooped by the end of it. S immediately said "We should do this one again!"
The evil scale hasn't moved this week. Honestly who invented that item? I am choosing to believe that I have been replacing my fat with muscle and that the scale just hadn't registered that yet. (if you don't agree with me, please keep those thoughts to yourself ;o) )
I was able to put on 2 pair of pants that fit better than they have in yrs. So I know there's some kind of progress!
S and I are going to begin training for a Halloween 10k. We have our Halloween costumes ready. and I have committed to running with a friend of ours so now I have to do it because I can't disappoint him. ;o) oh... Lord I will need your strength! ;o)
Last night's mission meeting went really well. The group was fun. We have some talkers and some planners and some really great personalities. I was telling the guys that we would have some manly men things to do and the ladies all got on me about not ruling them out. funny stuff. I even had 2 ladies having friendly banter about football teams and rivalry's. My co-leader is going to start a blog about our team and it's progress. I will link it here if you want to keep an eye on his take. I will of course keep you updated here as well.
I look forward to working with them. They are all excited about the trip as well. I just continue to pray for God's guidance and grace.
The boys have been loving VBS this week. They come home every day with all kinds of fun stories to tell. They are excited to take in the food item of the day and take their dollars in for offering. They both told me it was for "the people that don't have food, mom!"
I love that the seeds are being planted so early! (look at the theme... there's that shiny thing again)
Tonight is the end of week presentation. Oh I can't wait to watch them. ;o) This will be the first time E has been in front of a crowd. It will be interesting to see how he does. I will take lots of pictures! ;o)
We do have a quick prayer need. My mini-van isn't working properly. It needs quite a bit of work. I put a call in to the dealership because of the new Chrysler/gov't incentive to see if we would benefit from trading the van in. We are in prayer that God will either provide the opportunity to get a vehicle that will have a warrenty and hopefully no repairs. If we can't trade it in, we pray that He provide for the way to be able to pay for the repairs... oh man we know how crazy expensive those can be! I know He will provide for us either way... or some way.
Looking forward to a weekend full of playing, attending a baby shower, a birthday luncheon and hopefully some down time.
Life is better than good!
Thank God its Friday. You should do just a special Friday one. I do fully understand what you are talking about because all we have is the weekends and a few hours in the evenings with our loved ones so we are looking forward to that. Okay now I am really running late. Back to your post later. Just wanted to tell you I am glad its Friday!!!
That was our VBS theme too....but being camp directors we can't take them to and from church (and we dont' live near by where I could just have a friend take them). So our kids just do camp- which they love, and they get to go again next week. Will pray about your van. That is a necessity with children (in our case a 15 pass he he he).
Sorry I am back again but I couldn't finish this morning. Anyways, maybe you should stay off the scale and measure for a while. I did that with my last program and actually it was great because I lost crazy inches and little weight but 3 dress sizes. Something to think about. That is really inspiring that you are training for a 10K. Yeah you got to commit when you say you do, for sure.
I'll keep you in my prayers too about the van. I had to be in prayer for some time about the same issue but we just needed a bigger car. We only had a 5 seater. So we finally ended up getting the van but we have a little extra car payment. Thank God its weekend and have fun.
I have the same issue with the awful scale! I have been running a ton this summer and hadn't moved at all on the scale! Then, this past week I haven't felt well so I haven't ran all week and I lost 4 pounds! I don't get it! I hope it's not all lost muscle! Keep up the great work and keep us updated on your 10k progress!
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