Monday, July 7, 2008

New Court news

ok, well.. not really news.  But we are still sort of on to leave on 7/21 and return 8/08.  The issue is trying to get airfare home.  There just isn't any.  It's crazy.  
We are also leaning towards having D come with me for the whole time.  We discussed the fact that it's priceless time for bonding and attachment.  And it's something D didn't really get with N. He had to go right back to work. 
We did have an offer from a dear friend to stay here at the house with N and S for a good portion of our stay away.  But 3 weeks is a really long time to be gone from the kids.  We will miss them TERRIBLY.
We are having our agency check into an avenue to be gone a bit less time.  

Please help us pray for a solution and leading in the right direction.


etmom said...

Praying that you get some news soon - hang in there!

Edie N.

Tim said...

Hello, I just found your blog from another blog about Ethiopia and I wanted to write to you because I was volunteering in Ethiopia in March/April/May and I may have a couple of nice photos of E (I think that it is the same kid). If you are interested please email me at