We found out this morning that we passed court.
We have an Embassy date of August 20th so we are finalizing airfare now.
I cannot tell you how amazing it is to be able to have this behind us.
But I do have to eat a HUGE humble pie! I see SO clearly now why God had us wait for this. I have asked his forgiveness a dozen times today.
Leaving on the weekend of the 16th allows for D's current job to be complete, we will only have to be gone about 2 weeks instead of 3 and we will be home before the kids start school. How does it get better?
I cannot wait to go kiss that little face. Am I going to have the most beautiful kids ever or what?!!!
Or am I just a biased momma? ;o)
My friend Cindy and I have been waiting together. She has been waiting for her referral and we have been waiting for our travel. We have so many parallels in life we just knew we would get news at the same time.
Yesterday she received her referral for a precious little boy and today we find out that we are going to get ours.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!