Christmas Eve was a rather crazy day for us. I had to work until 12 and D took the boys out for some last minute shopping.
Next was lunch with my family to open Christmas gifts since we would be gone. Then a yummy lunch.
Then it was off to my mom in law's house to open more gifts. She was pretty sick so we weren't able to stay long.
We were hoping to get to church for Christmas Eve Service but the day was gone too fast. We still had packing to do and Santa gifts to open. So I took the boys with me to pick up pizza...while I was gone Santa showed up!! ;o) The boys came home to presents and fun.
We finished packing and went to bed early so we could get up at o'dark 30 to catch our plane.
My neice and S got a locket for their grandma that had a picture of her late husband in it. It was the best gift of the day.
I have never commented on your blog, but now I am curious. (I read your blog through my sister, Lisa, at a bushel and a peck.) I noticed your daughter holding a JMU sweatshirt. My oldest attends JMU and loves it--even though we are in Washington State and I think it is way too far away! Is she going to JMU next year...if so she will have a great experience and meet some fabulous kids.
Your and your mommy are so sweet together with your little fishmout you are making.
S is planning to attend JMU, but will not go for another 2 years. We have a family friend there now, who loves it. And will be there for S's first year. How fun that we have that in common. ;o)
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