Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Grief!

This has been a week!

I missed the boys! They came home, but were sad to leave nannie (my mom) and the pool. I tell you what, those boys are little fishes, and N has NO fear! ;o)

We had S's dental appt yesterday, and today I had to take E to the Dr. He woke up at about 1230am Sunday with a temp of 101.6 went back to bed and awoke with no temp and feeling good so I went ahead and sent him with mom. She said he was feeling puny yesterday and he did have a low grade temp at dinner. Sent him to bed with some Motrin and a At 430am he was up with a temp of about 101.4 so I called when the Dr office opened. We were fit in and found that he has an ear infection, the 2nd one in 3 months (he shows no signs of ear pain) and they did an xray because of a "crackly chest". Turns out he has an ambiguous shadow on his lungs.... well hhhmmm what do you do with a shadow? They think it's either a mucus plug blocking his lung and not allowing air flow, or the beginning of pneumonia. YUCK~ That would explain the incessant coughing last night. Poor little man! So we are on antibiotics and go back on Friday to have them take another listen. The blessing is that they didn't want to admit him to the hospital. Thank you GOD!

Good thing I am off on
D and I are also going on Friday to see a lawyer about our re-adopt/finalization here in VA for E. We have to use a lawyer in my town because of verbage and court weirdness...and it's not a small town! ;o) But we are also going to look into changing his date of birth. We were orginally given a date in 2005 which seems to be the right age. But the ET courts made his DOB in 2004. So on paper he's older than N. Have you seen pics of those 2? Not bloody likely he's older than N. ;o) Even his Dr's think the date is wrong. We shall see what we can do. He's a smart little dude, and advanced in alot of things. But he's totally not ready to start Kindergarten yet, as N is this fall.

Please take a minute to say a little prayer for parents in the middle of adoption right now. There are some funky...YUCKY glitches happening... and hopefully only for a short time... but parents are sad and hurting and children are waiting. I fully believe this too shall pass. God's got these kids in HIS hands. I know He does. Those of you waiting... I am praying!

Here's to an uneventful rest of the

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Poor little E! Sorry he is sick. Praying it doesnt get anymore serious!
love ya!