Friday, June 14, 2013

Exciting Ventures

There have been some fun things happening behind the scenes here that have me so very excited!!

A little back story...

April/May of last year I was in Ethiopia visiting my boys for our court appointment. Since the boys were still in school I was able to go do some visiting and ministry checking during that time. One of those times I accompanied my 'lil brother' A to Korah while he helped a ministry teach some sponsored families about an income generation project they were starting. While there I met a member of that ministry named T.

It was fascinating watching the families, mainly women listen intently while their children played at their feet or came over to play with me while they sat and listened.

After he was finished A, T and some of the other leaders and I left for lunch. T was telling me about the families and sharing the mother's concerns about the children and what to do with them as they began working. He said they had been asking for a daycare. Well I knew the org that he worked with and said "Wow, that sounds like an awesome opportunity. I will pray for you all."  

I was in no way interested in looking into a Daycare in Korah... I didn't have time for that! I had just agreed to parent 2 new boys, have a full time job, was working in getting a team to come over in a few months and had just agreed to be in the board for Because Every Mother Matters.

I came home and indeed began praying for them to be able to find the funding for the daycare. In the mean time T contacted me and said "You need to be the one to start the daycare." I said thank you but no. He said I needed to pray. So I did. Then someone else contacted me and said... "I hear you are starting a daycare in Korah"... What?! 

So I decided that perhaps I needed to stop saying no and start praying about the fit for our church. We had been praying for something to fit, something we could do long term and meaningful. So I asked the pastor about it. He prayed and said... GO FOR IT! 

Meaning talk to people... see what they think... are there others that would want to step up and step in? I quickly found those people. 

We put together a budget, a plan, a prayer and a presentation for our church leadership ... can I tell you that while I really love our church that was the most painful and difficult meeting. Money and Christians are not a fun mix.

It was approved to support and we had our commitment for the next 5 years to be the sponsors of the Hope for Korah Daycare under the organization Hope for Korah and Great Hope Charities run by a church in Korah. 

So thankful for this opportunity! So blessed to see this coming to fruition! Finding a compound to fit our needs has been a challenge. But it's been all in God's hands and He's directing the steps. I look back at God's vision to see momma's kept healthy and families staying together and I see that happening here. Families staying together, having hope, seeing a vision for their lives become one of promise. It's a gift! Between BEMM and the daycare literally hundreds of children will never have to have the label orphan. Thank you Jesus! 

If you would like to help support the daycare please message me... and go to the Hope for Korah Daycare FB page and 'like' it!  

1 comment:

Abbey said...

I could hear that story over and over again and not get tired of it. Love the story. Love your testimony. Love YOU!