Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joys of Boys

I haven't had the camera out much recently, although that doesn't mean the boys aren't being too much fun. ;o) I will try to be better.

It's fun to watch the boys play...most of the time. ;o) They have such great little imaginations, it's fun to see what they will come up with.
Here are some 'fun' things the boys have said recently that make me smile.

This morning the first thing N said to me was that he wanted a flute. Not knowing where in the world this came from, I asked him why. He said that because all the kids on TV had muscial instruments, he wanted one too. I asked him why he wanted a flute, and he said cause it makes pretty noise. He must have been watching Little Einsteins...lol He loves music so I can see him playing an instrument and loving it. I guess we will see what we can do.

E loves music too, yesteday he got out a CD that has some hymns and contemporary songs on it and wanted to listen to it. He began to shake his tiny litle butt. How fun that he thinks he can shake his butt to some good ole Jesus music. ;o)

Last night they were watching Disney, sitting next to each other on the couch, E was thoroughly enjoying himself. Ever once in a while he would burst out laughing and touch N on the arm exclaiming "Funny!"

Yesterday S had a stomach ache, she gets them when she's stressed. And her weekend included some stress over a boy (ugh!) Anyway, E and I were at the dinner table while he finished his dinner. S was laying on the couch. E says "S belly hurt?" I told him it did. E then says "Why?" (the new ever present word) I said "She stressed. Eric did it" E was then very perplexed. I just laughed. I wish you could see his confused look, it's the cutest thing. It's as if you wrote the word "huh?" on his face. SO cute!

Things are settling down quite a bit at the house. The boys are settling in together. I think this time at home with only each other to play with has given them time to bond. N is feeling much better about his place in the world, and is behaving much better. E is settilng into being a brother, although he still has difficulty sharing his things. He has the quintesential toddler attitude. What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. He's not really interested in sharing his things, but gets very upset of N dosn't share his things. It makes for some issues. But for the most part they play really well together. I think other than the sharing issues, N really loves having a someone to play with.

We are still working on getting them into a new daycare setting, but working on it slowly. We pray that we set them in the proper place that they can both grow and learn. Where they can each have friends, and still enjoy seeing each other some.

Will you pray with us that the transition goes smoothly and the boys do well? Thank you!

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